東京都目黒区目黒2-11-3 印刷工場一階
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On Wednesday May 27th Impact HUB Tokyo will organize a meetup about Hardware Startups in cooperation with the Berkeley Sourcing Group. If you own a hardware startup yourself, or if you are interested in learning about the latest developments in hardware startup land and meet fellow entrepreneurs who are active in this field, please join us on May 27th!
5/27(水)19:00から、Impact HUB Tokyo初となる「ハードウェア・スタートアップ」ミートアップを開催します。今回は海外ゲストとしてBerkeley Sourcing GroupのGreg氏を招き、米国サンフランシスコのスタートアップがハードウェアを開発する際のプロセスやそこでの学びをシェアしてくれます。注目度が一層高まるハードウェア・スタートアップシーン、その最前線に関心のある方は、この機会をお見逃しなく!
Impact HUB Tokyo is excited to announce its first Hardware Startup Meet-up together with the Berkeley Sourcing Group. The Berkeley Sourcing Group is an international sourcing partner to hardware startups and established businesses who wish to take advantage of China-based manufacturing. They connect their clients to qualified factories and manage the process, from their first product to their millionth and beyond.
Our keynote speaker for the evening will be Greg Fisher, who is the founder of the Berkeley Sourcing Group. Greg has been working in the Hardware Startup space for 10 years and he will give a presentation about the many new tools, websites and resources available to Hardware Startups as well as the state of the market and some examples of how some successful hardware startups made it happen.
今回はBerkeley Sourcing GroupのGreg Fisher氏がゲスト参加。Gregはハードウェア・スタートアップシーンに10年以上携わってきたハードウェア製造のエキスパート。米国と中国出身のチームメンバーを率いて、革新的な商品アイデアを量産化していくプロセスを加速させます。今回は、来日のタイミングを捕まえての貴重な登壇、必見ですよ!
After Greg's presentation, we will have an Open Mic Session during which we will give 5 minutes to anybody who wants to come up and give a demo of their product or talk about their service related to Hardware Startups. In addition, if you have an idea about a product that you would like to create and would like to have some feedback, don't hesitate to pitch your idea either! Want to join our Open Mic? Send an email with your name, type of company and product (idea) to info@hubtokyo.com
Keynote Speaker Profile / スピーカープロフィール: Greg Fisher
Greg Fisher is a serial entrepreneur with a focus on manufacturing. During the last ten years he founded and grew the Berkeley Sourcing Group, a turnkey manufacturing services provider for small businesses manufacturing overseas. He has worked with over 700 hardware startups during that time and had the privilege to learn first hand what works (and what doesn't!) when it comes to small businesses taking new products to market and how to manage the manufacturing relationships and processes in China.
ハードウェアに特化したシリアルアントレプレナー。10年前にBerkeley Sourcing Groupを立ち上げ、ベンチャー企業に対して主に中国での量産プロセスの支援を続けている。これまで700社を超えるハードウェア・スタートアップを支援する中で、うまくいくものは何か、いかないものは何かを肌で学んできた。
Event Timeline / タイムテーブル
19:00 - Door Open & Welcome Drink
19:30 - Presentation by Greg Fisher
20:15 - Q&A
20:30 - Open Mic for Hardware Startup Participants
21:00 - Network Time
21:45 - Closing
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